This is a great absorbency pad which is actually two pads in one. A lighter version for day time and a shell-pad where to introduce the light pad for night time or for extra absorbency when needed. We avoided snaps or wings so that it can be used with any type of underwear both by men and women.
Available in naturally grown cotton as shown
The pads consist on several super-absorbent layers of organic cotton and our patented inner layer that is water-proof and breathable. We have made it with naturally colored cotton to avoid any dies whatsoever. Our supplier actually grows the cotton in the three color varieties -green, brown and natural. Then the yarn is made into this rich, absorbent and soft fabric for our pads. Knowing the material and the processing of making the pads too, we can assure our customers that it is very unlikely to cause irritation to the skin.
Please choose your packaging options here
Pad-shell: 11″ long x 5.50 wider side and 3.50″ narrower side
Light pad: 10″ long by 5″ wider side and 3″ narrower side
Shipping outside USA: United Kingdom $4 rest of Europe $7
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